QEC works to align your subconscious
mind with your conscious goals.
We may not realise it, but for most of us, our conscious goals and dreams are not aligned with the belief systems we hold in our subconscious. In this way, we ‘sabotage’ our ability to attract to us the experiences and things we would prefer.
But why would this ‘misalignment’ prevent us from achieving happiness and success? Because the subconscious part of our brain is vastly more powerful..

The subconscious is the part of the brain that deals with the ‘autopilot’ functions of the body, such as breathing. It’s a powerhouse compared to the conscious mind. It’s also the place where we store our deepest beliefs, the ones that shape who we are and how we believe the world operates. If you would like to know more about where our beliefs come from, read this.
As the name suggests, the subconscious is a place we’re not aware of - making it difficult to pinpoint the beliefs that underpin our outward behaviours and thoughts
When we see a traditional talk therapist or counsellor, often we’re using our conscious mind in the hope of gaining an understanding that will facilitate change.
Here’s the problem.
Our deeply held beliefs emanate from our subconscious. No matter how much we tell ourselves there’s nothing to fear about dogs, encountering one will trigger our fear, because we were bitten as a child. The subconscious mind will overpower our rational thinking, until we heal from the emotional scar left by the trauma of the attack.

Using the QEC method, we are able to change the belief systems and conditioning that no longer serve us. Using the neuroplasticity of the brain we can ‘rewire’ our neural pathways, freeing us from the limitations of our past.
Frequently asked questions
How can QEC help me?
QEC is a practical tool that can help us to become the person we would truly like to be, reaching our full potential. It is particularly effective in helping to ‘clear the baggage’ from our past, which often manifests in repeated, unwanted behaviour patterns that impact ourselves and others. Much of the cutting edge work being done by Dr Salmon is in the area of past trauma and it’s here that QEC is particularly effective. However, there is no limit to the ways in which QEC can help. If you suffer from stress, anxiety, depression, grief, phobias or fear, QEC can help. It is also a powerful way to improve relationships and remove ‘blocks’ to performance, both in the workplace and in sport.
How is QEC different from other talk therapies?
Traditional talk therapies such as counselling and psychotherapy work by exploring the environment factors (past and present) that could be causing your unhappiness. By unpacking these negative experiences, the hope is that a new level of awareness around the issue might be reached - a new way of seeing things that can bring about healing and closure. This process can take a long time - perhaps even years - for someone to make substantial shifts in thinking and behaviour, for the simple reason that the process engages the conscious part of the mind.
QEC works deeper, with the powerful ‘supercomputer’ that is the subconscious mind. It is here that we store our deepest beliefs, the ones that shape who we are and how we believe the world to be. Working with the subconscious allows for changes that are much more rapid and lasting. Using the neuroplasticity of the brain, QEC ‘rewires’ our neural pathways, freeing us from the limitations of our past.
Do you have to believe QEC for it to work?
No, you don’t. However, if you try to approach your QEC sessions with an open mind and a willingness to embrace something that’s a little different, it will transform your experience. QEC bypasses the conscious mind, working deep at the level of the subconscious. Most people report feeling different after one session but the real proof of success is in experiencing the positive changes in your life that follow.
Does the process involve hypnosis or an altered state of consciousness?
Definitely not. You remain totally conscious and in full control at all times. QEC does not involve any form of hypnosis, meditation or mantra.
Clients report rapid, lasting changes. How can a life-long problem or habit simply disappear in a few short sessions?
The ‘speed’ with which QEC operates can be assigned to the fact that QEC uses the ‘supercomputer’ of the subconscious mind and the plasticity of the brain to create new neural pathways. Under the right conditions we can change the way we think and feel about something - and fundamentally change how we experience it and therefore behave.
On the surface, our world appears to work in a predictable, mechanistic way. Yet, when we get down to the basic building blocks of all matter at the subatomic level, everything is pure energy in a constant state of potential. We create our reality by communicating with this Quantum Field through our thoughts and feelings. Thoughts are electrical impulses, emotions are magnetic. The principles of Quantum physics show that the electromagnetic influence of the mind on our reality is powerful and immediate, and that when we change our thinking, we change our experience of the world.
How would I know that my long-held beliefs have been changed?
Quite simply, you’ll think and feel differently about the problem. In fact, it helps to keep a record of the issues that you work through with your practitioner because revisiting the list at a later date might surprise you. Looking back, many people report finding it hard to remember ever having suffered with those issues.