It is perhaps one of our most fundamental needs. As important as food or water, the ability to connect with others is central to our survival. In the absence of healthy social bonds we begin to suffer, withering like a flower in the dark.
In this eye-opening course, we’ll learn how our ability to connect is strongly affected by our environment, particularly within the first seven years of life. It’s during these most formative years that we learn what relationships are - a template that we carry with us to adulthood, colouring all future interactions.
We will unpack the ways in which the template manifests in our adult relationships. We’ll look at what we would term ‘disfunctional’ connections, understanding how these develop - in contrast to healthy, authentic, respectful relationships.
We’ll conclude the series with a ray of sunshine. That the power to change the relationships in your life for the better lies within you. We’ll look at the work of QEC and see how it is possible to enjoy deeper, more meaningful connections with others.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who struggles with connection, but doesn’t know how to take the first step towards change.
- Those wanting to understand why we sometimes struggle to connect.
- People who would like to understand how to achieve greater intimacy.
- Those wanting to learn how to be more fearless and excited when entering new relationships.
- Those wanting to combine learning and insight with one-on-one personal healing.
Choose your package:
Choose your package:

Online video course
+ 5 sessions with a QEC practitioner
- Regular price
- £515
20min (on-demand video course)
5 sessions of QEC (90min per session)
Better relationships and connections

Video 1: How we connect is learned
Duration: 7 mins
We start with what is undoubtedly our most important connection - our attunement to mother before we are born. We’ll see how our connection at each phase of childhood imprints itself on us, setting a ‘blueprint’ for relationships in later life.

Video 2: Adult relationships:
Determined by template
Duration: 6 mins
Armed with our new understanding, we’ll look at the ways in which we struggle to connect as adults. We’ll identify what a healthy relationship looks like - setting us up for the final video where we lay out the plan to achieve it.

Video 3: Building healthy
relationships and connections
Duration: 7 mins
In our final video, we turn inwards. We discover that our relationships happen at our ‘contact boundary’. Our ability to connect deeply and fearlessly depends on the nature of our contact boundary. We’ll look at the work of QEC and how we can open ourselves up to new possibilities in our most important relationships.
+-Video 1: How we connect is learned

Duration: 7 mins
We start with what is undoubtedly our most important connection - our attunement to mother before we are born. We’ll see how our connection at each phase of childhood imprints itself on us, setting a ‘blueprint’ for relationships in later life.
+-Video 2: Adult relationships:
Determined by template

Duration: 6 mins
Armed with our new understanding, we’ll look at the ways in which we struggle to connect as adults. We’ll identify what a healthy relationship looks like - setting us up for the final video where we lay out the plan to achieve it.
+-Video 1: How we connect is learned

Duration: 7 mins
In our final video, we turn inwards. We discover that our relationships happen at our ‘contact boundary’. Our ability to connect deeply and fearlessly depends on the nature of our contact boundary. We’ll look at the work of QEC and how we can open ourselves up to new possibilities in our most important relationships.
Why add QEC sessions?
Armed with a different understanding - a fresh perspective - it is likely that you will be motivated to continue the momentum. We’ll pair you with one of our most experienced QEC practitioners for 5, 90 minute sessions where you’ll get to work together using this powerful modality. The knowledge that you’ll gain from the videos will accelerate your journey.
Frequently asked questions
How do I choose a practitioner?
You don't have to! When you sign up for your package of video plus 5 sessions, we’ll pair you with one of our most highly skilled and experienced practitioners. We will send you all the information you need and your practitioner will reach out to you via email or phone to arrange convenient times for you to meet.
What happens if I need more sessions after the 5-week period?
One of the hallmarks of QEC is how rapidly it works, bringing long-term changes in a short time-frame compared to traditional talk therapies. However, resolving your initial ‘issue’ might reveal other challenges that you’d like to work on. This is absolutely normal. You’re welcome to continue to work with your QEC practitioner for as long as you’d like. Simply discuss your needs with them and make the appropriate arrangements.
Do I have to watch the videos before seeing my practitioner?
No, you don’t. We’re not here to ‘check up on you’. Watching the videos will naturally improve your awareness and understanding about the chosen topic, meaning you’ll begin your healing with a practitioner from a different place. The benefit is yours - you are responsible for your own journey.