Our wonderful, global team of certified QEC practitioners are available for sessions both, online and in person. Select your preferences below to connect with the right practitioner for you.

  • Kim Hoelscher
    South Africa
    QEC Practitioner
    +27 82 888 2570
    SESSIONS: Online, In person
    LANGUAGE: English, Afrikaans
    ABOUT Kim

    We all come into this world so pure, open to explore all that this life has to offer.  Our emotional body is like a beautiful ceramic jar, open to receiving experiences and feedback.  Life starts to happen, and we taste the polarities.  One side is fun and exciting, the other side is tough, sometimes traumatic.  Our experiences, that shape our sense of self and beliefs of who we are, can burden us to form little cracks in our ceramic vase, or even break it into pieces.  We can mask our emotional-body-vase and pretend that everything is fine until something forces us to face it.

    My invitation to you, is to start a loving inward journey to find and restore the true self that you arrived with in this world.

    Kintsugi is the Japanese art of mending broken pottery with gold to make it even more valuable afterwards.  My own journey was an invitation to accept my fragility, build resilience and find beauty in my brokenness of grieving childhood losses.  I love this concept and am passionate about assisting others to find their cracks or broken pieces, reconstructing their limiting beliefs into empowering ones, and restoring the self to a place of happiness and contentment.

    I explored many avenues and attended many courses in attempt to mend my own brokenness. (Gestalt Psychotherapy, Transformational Prayer Ministry, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Women Within, Contemplation, Strengths-finder and Enneagram).  They all played a special role on my journey and prepared me for this next step.  On the day of my first QEC class, when Melanie Salmon explained how and why she created this technique, I just cried.  Something deep inside me knew – I had found the GOLD!  This was it!

    My belief is that all healing comes from God.  He leads us to connect with the right people at the right time.  It will be an honour to hold this sacred space for you and to also share, this transformational journey with you. 

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Please email me on kim.hoelscher@liminil.net when you are ready to get started.  

  • Kobie Meiring
    South Africa
    Teacher, Artist, QEC practitioner
    +27 83 457 0182
    SESSIONS: In person, Online
    LANGUAGE: English, Afrikaans
    ABOUT Kobie

    As an art teacher I am deeply interested in processes that enable us to address and overcome barriers and challenges to living creative, meaningful lives

  • Manus Meiring
    South Africa
    HRD practitioner, QEC practitioner, TRE® provider.
    +27 82 694 7440
    SESSIONS: In person, Online
    LANGUAGE: English, Afrikaans
    ABOUT Manus

    After having been involved in corporate HRD programs for more than 30 years, QEC has become my preferred coaching modality.

  • Elizabeth Franck
    Somerset West
    South Africa
    TRE® provider, QEC practitioner, HED and BA(Honours) qualifications, Access Bars
    +27 76 524 9690
    SESSIONS: In person, Online
    LANGUAGE: English, Afrikaans
    ABOUT Elizabeth

    After being a lecturer and teacher for 33 years, I exchanged my teaching career for practicing QEC and TRE full-time. I have many years of experience in counselling young people and I still enjoy working with children and youth of all age groups. I equally love working with adults! QEC has transformed my life! Let me help you to transform yours too.

  • Elsmie Otto
    Cape Town
    South Africa
    QEC practitioner, TRE® provider, Chakradance® facilitator, Masters degree in Industrial Psychology.
    SESSIONS: Online
    LANGUAGE: English, Afrikaans
    ABOUT Elsmie

    I offer QEC alongside a variety of modalities to support clients in an integrative way. I work from a Gestalt counselling approach which means that I offer a space of safety, non-judgement and respect. I enjoy working in a collaborative way that supports both of us to be curious in the discovery, exploration, and ultimately transformation of life issues. I have experienced how simple and gentle this process can be and this is what I am passionate about sharing with others.

  • Bonnie Debbo
    Boulder Colorado
    QEC practitioner, Kinesiologist, EFT practitioner, Relationship coach.
    SESSIONS: Online
    LANGUAGE: English, Afrikaans
    ABOUT Bonnie

    I am diversely trained as a QEC practitioner and Kinesiologist, EFT practitioner and relationship coach.  I have extensive international corporate business experience as well as over 10years as alternative healer. I am a mother, wife, friend and coach. Over the past 15 years I've used my vast experience and training committed to and dedicated to the healing of others. I am a South African native with Lebanese heritage and love all cultures and respect our differences as human beings.  Some core values are,  integrity and compassion and empathy to treat everyone's experience with tenderness and without any  judgement. ... I treat all beings with love and respect. I look forward to connecting with you. ... with love and light..

  • Jody Francke
    Cape Town
    South Africa
    QEC Practitioner, TRE®️ Provider
    +27 796774390
    SESSIONS: In person, Online
    LANGUAGE: English, Afrikaans
    ABOUT Jody

    I am an experienced facilitator with a background in education and integrative trauma healing. My interest and focus is mainly in youth development. 

    I assist young humans (children, teens and young adults) and parents with resolving stress and trauma in aid of their holistic development. 

    I practice QEC and other modalities in an integrative way best suited for the client’s needs.