Supporting clients who have loved ones with mental health problems.

In Mental Health Matters part one in 2023, we looked at how to support a mother whose adult son is diagnosed with Schizophrenia and has become addicted to alcohol and hard to manage.

The focus here was in helping this parent to reach a level of acceptance of the mental health problem her child suffered from and to be able to continue to support him despite her feeling of inadequacy.

In part two we follow the trajectory of this her accepting support and her ability to get the best help she could in Scotland - his admission to holistic centre for alcohol addiction called “River Garden” in Scotland.

We continue our QEC work, using surrogacy to heal the past childhood traumas her son has suffered, to bring him out of addiction on the bell curve. It may also help to alleviate the voices he hears once his midbrain is cleared of trauma and his ANS is stable and grounded.

Join us for a first ever surrogate work for a mental health problem in an adult child.

The photo below is taken from the River Garden website:

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